
Questions about the online community

Chat, profiles, membership, Top-Member,...

How to register

Join the community (free)...

ZURIGAY is an open community for gays and friends. As a registered member you can chat with others and take active part of the online community.

„Who can join gaYmeBoys?”

gaYmeBoys is open for every gay and gayfriendly person. Everybody who agrees to our membership terms may join. gaYmeBoys is not suitable for children under the age of 12. Minors (under 16) may join the chat but are excluded from sexual content. Read more about this in the chapter about protection of minors.

Top-Membership for adults

Information, registration, renewing,...

To protect minors from viewing sexual content, pornographic images are only visible for adult members who proved their age with a credit card payment or a copy of an id card or passport.
Except of that you will get many more advantages after Top-Member Upgrade...

Upgrade to Top-Member and renewing your membership


How to use the new chat features...

Log in and then look at the new tutorial.

My profile

Login, picture upload, settings, ...

Login, Cookies, Sicherheit

„How can I prevent missuse of my profile?”

Set a password that nobody can guess. Never let anybody read your personal emails. And do not use the autologin on a public computer.

„Are cookies dangerous?”

A cookie is used to save personal settings on your own computer. That's how the autologin works. But you should only use the autologin if no strangers are using your computer. Never use it in an internet cafe!

Upload Pictures

„Why can't I upload a picture?”

The system can only read pictures in JPG format. Other formats (GIF, PNG, TIFF, BMP, PDF,...) must be converted first into JPG using an image processing software (z.B. Adobe Photoshop, Corel Photopaint, MS Paint,...). To do this you must open the image file in such a program and save it using the JPG-Setting under a new name. It's not enough to rename the file. A donkey called horse is still a donkey.

The maximum file size is limited. If your pictures are extremly heavy you might have to resize them before upload with a graphics program.

„Why can't I see my uploaded picture immediately?”

To protect minors from watching porn we must check all uploaded pictures manually. Please be patient. You will get a message as soon as your pictures are rated.

„Why has my picture or video been rejected?”

gaYmeBoys is under Swiss law. Minors under 16 are not allowed to watch images or videos with sexual content. That's why all uploads are categorised. Only adult Top-Members will get access to pornographic images. Pictures that are against the law (violence or hard porn) must be deleted. Read more about picture rating...

„Why do my pics look so shitty?”

Not everybody is born as a star photographer but you can get good results if you keep this in mind:

  • Good light makes good pictures: The evening sun is much better than the bathroom light.
  • Handys make bad pictures: Any lens with only 5mm can just get unsharp images with little light.
  • A self-timer produces always a freezed smile: Try to do the pics after jerking off.
  • Don't let the background steal you the show. Less is more, but only a white wall is boring!
  • Don't try to copy someone else. Be yourself!

E-mail announcements

„When do I get e-mails from gaYmeBoys?”

  • If you ask us to send you a forgotten password
  • If you subscribed to the newsletter about Zurich's gay scene*
  • When unread messages are deleted from the database*
  • If you choose the option that all messages are forwarded to your e-mail when you are offline*
  • Before your Top-Membership will expire
  • In case of important system updates

*All these announcements can be switched on and off in your Profile.

Delete my profile

„I hate the SPAM!”

If you just want to unsubscribe from our newsletter, you can do that at all time in your profile editor.

„I did not find what I was looking for.”

gaYmeBoys is not a dating agency. Sometimes you may find love, sometimes not. Maybe you read the hints about making friends above.

„I'm fed up with gay life, want to marry a girl and delete my membership at ZURIGAY!”

Username: Password:

Notice: Usernames of deleted profiles stay reserved for a while to avoid mistaken identities. Forum postings and comments stay online to keep the understanding of a discussion. Profile pictures and videos are deleted, uploads in public and club galleries will stay. If you want to delete these pictures, please do it before deleting your profile. Any deleted content may stay longer visible on search engines.

Friends and other members

Friendship settings, Search members, Activity log...

Friendship settings

gaYmeBoys is a social community where you can build a network of friends and link your profile to them. Check your friends in the Chat Frame and share your activities with them. You can set your relationship to a member by clicking the friendship button on the top left of his profile.

„What are the states of friendship?”

  • Partner = This is your husband or boy friend.
  • Friend = A friend from chat or the real world.
  • Favorite = Someone you adore. He will not be noted that you are his fan.
  • blocked = If you block somebody he cannot send you messages.
  • none = Remove the existing friendship setting or deny a friendship request.

„Someone wants to be my friend. What shall I do?”

  1. Open his profile (click on his picture in the chat frame).
  2. Click on the friendship button (shaking hands) on the top left.
  3. Select your friendship status. The relationship will be visible in both profiles if you have the same settings.
    If you do not want to be friends, click "none".


You can write a note to each profile just below the friendship settings (e.g. the real name of this user or where you met). Your note will be shown in your chat frame and is only visible for you.

Friends activities

Diese Funktion ist in Bearbeitung.

„What appears on my pinboard?”

  • Comments that your friends share with you.
  • Notes about public posts of your friends.
  • New (not hidden) profile pictures of your friends.
  • New friendships of your friends.
  • If one of your friends starts a new club or joins a club.
  • If a friend upgrades to Top-Member so he can watch XXX pics now.
  • Notes about new content in one of your clubs.

„Why do I get notes about people I don't know?”

Either they are your friends or you are in a club with them. You will also be noted about activities of members who sent you a friend request until you deny it.

„Who can see what I do?”

Your friends get notes about your activities in public areas. Club fellows get notes about your activity in their clubs.

Make friends

„What can I do to find new friends?”

  • Upload interesting pictures into your profile ! A friendly smile is great. Fake content is awkward.
  • Write own text content in your profile. Creative people are popular.
  • Post your comments in our forum and join some clubs.
  • Visit other profiles and leave your traces.
  • Be online every day.

„How can I make a good personal ad?”

  • Write who you are, how you look and what you are looking for.
  • Choose a congenial portrait.
  • Do not promise what you cannot hold.
  • Do not make more typing errors than others may read.

Problems with other members , molestations

„The guy really nerves me!”

As a basic principle we do not interfere in personal conflicts and do not spy after members as long as there is no strong suspicion of an abuse of our membership terms. Problems concerning members are very rare. If someone shoud stalk you just open his profile and ban him using the red hand button in the friendship settings. A banned user cannot send you messages anymore.

„I am seriously harrassed.”

If you got into serious problems please contact an administrator (a member with a red star) or use our feedback form to contact the editorial staff

Questions about News, Agenda, Guide,...

If there are still gays looking for more than anonymous sex...

The editorial office is closed. Without the support of local gay business we cannot pay a good journalism and we don't want to dump down till Facebook.

To the feedback form


Latest news and discussions in the blogs...

There are many blogs where you can post news and comment your friends. Please stay on topic. Artists and organisers may present their own gay projects, but commercial advertising is not allowed. Spammers will be banned.


Event dates...

„What events are published?”

All events of gay interest.

„How much costs a publication?”

Self done entrys are free: Add event to GayAGENDA.
If you organise gay events on a regular basis, ask us for registration.

„How much is a flyer ad in the GayAGENDA?”

You will gain special attention with a flyer ad. A single upload is 50.-, 10 uploads are only 250.-.
Call us if you like to advertise at GayAGENDA: KMD-Design GmbH, Phone: 044 - 814 0 814


Gay venues world wide...

„What venues will be published?”

All venues where frequently gay events take place. Venues with gay parties, meeting places for gays and lesbians, gay friendly bars, clubs, restaurants, hotels and shops with special offers for gays and regular opening hours. Please no private addresses or online shops.

„How much costs a guide entry?”

Entries and comments are free for gaYmeBoys members until further: Insertion in the gaYmeBoys-Guide.

„Can you delete bad comments?”

Differing opinions are welcome. We will delete comments only in clear cases of false statements, insults, surreptitious or illegibility. If you promise too much of your premises, you have to expect that your guests leave their opinion in a bad comment.

Advertise at gaYmeBoys

Banner ads, prices, media informations,...

Reach a solvent clientele by advertising on a gay community page. We offer interesting conditions and ad places with best attention.

Call us: KMD-Design GmbH, Phone: 044 - 814 0 814

Or use our contact form

SPAM policy / surreptitious advertising

„What is tolerated?”

  • Indication about profession, employer and private website in the "About me" text of your own profile.
  • Watermark or small copyright notice in your pictures.
  • Indication of source when citing a matching text for a discussion.
  • Links to non-commercial websites and gay organisations if matching the topic and interesting for the readers.
  • Links on the link page of a club, if matching the club topic.

„What is not allowed?”

  • Postings with no other information and entertainment value than advertisement.
  • Off-topic postings and comments in clubs, blogs, albums,...
  • Links in the motto line of a profile
  • Links to competitive web-communities or e-mail addresses, where we offer the same service. e.g. "These are just my boring pics. To see the better ones join www... or write to..."

„But the other one may also...?!”

If a user delights our community with many interesting contributions, we will may be tolerate a little self-promotion. But if someone only signs up to release his SPAM we will send him packing.


KMD-Design GmbH
Uster West 46
CH-8610 Uster

Tel:+41 (0) 44 814 0 814
MWST:CHE-116.154.112 MWST

Member login


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