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Antiquate pornography paragraph 197, 1/2?

#399: multiple answers possible
Blog: Gay Schweiz: Ist der Pornografie-Artikel 197 noch sinnvoll?
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Yes, teens are more mature today and can decide by their own what they want to watch.
Yes, there is porn everywhere on the web. Switzerland does not need a special law anymore.
Yes, parents should tell the kids about birds and bees before they buy them a computer.
No, minors under 16 are unable to decide if they want to watch porn.
No, even if porn is everywhere available. Switzerland must stay clean.
No, teens sustain psychological damage if they watch porn before the age of 16.
The ban of golden shower pictures is needless as well.
I have seen porn before I was 16 and hat no problem with that.
I have seen porn before 16 and suffer from that experience.
I am under 16 and would be shocked to see porn.
Porn sites must have a warning but visitors should be able to decide freely if they want to watch or leave.

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