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prev Do you love to present yourself naked ...     Which is the most Favourite Gay Disco/party in Zurich? prev

Poll closed The SHAFT mens party has been prohibited twice by the government. How should the organisers react? How far would you go for a SHAFT party?

#138: multiple answers possible
Blog: ZÜRIGAY Szene: SHAFT am 3.5. auch nicht bewilligt
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The Shaft should found a membership association and organise private parties where there is no law against sexual actions.
The Shaft should stay public and move to an other venue even if sex would be forbidden there.
The Shaft must stay at Labitzke and wait for a music allowance
I would follow Shaft even out of the city limits
I would follow Shaft even out of canton Zurich
I would follow Shaft even to Germany
I am not interested in Shaft parties

prev Do you love to present yourself naked ...     Which is the most Favourite Gay Disco/party in Zurich? prev

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